Thus, the tension applied to the nerve/s and/or the neural or psycho-neural circuits formed by the mudras help in balancing the five basic elements (or building blocks). This balancing of the tension, and redirection of the internal energy effects the changes in veins, tendons, glands and sensory organs, to bring the body back to a healthy state.
Keeping specified nerves stretched for specified periods tones up of the nervous system. The fingers of each hand are held folded in certain specific postures and this provides the required tension on the nerves.
The fingers of each and every individual in the world are different in their shapes and sizes. These are determined and provided by nature as a tool to bring the nerves into prime condition when affected adversely.
Thus, they provide a different 'end tension' on the nerves when different individuals fold their fingers or the same individual folds the fingers by different methods in different Mudras. This is exactly the tension required by that individual for that particular application. Nature has already bestowed us with the tools to be used to keep us healthy.
Compare this with Acupressure where the nerves are influenced by the application of pressure on certain points or Acupuncture, where slight electrical impulses are conveyed through needles inserted in the body.
The advantage in Mudras is that the pressure to be applied on the nerves is automatic and controlled by the shape and size of the fingers and not by external agencies.
Because the Mudras work on the nerves, they are NEURAL SCIENCE
Mudra Vigyan is a science based on the principles of the Indian Medical Science (Ayurveda) which lays down three factors primarily responsible for the body's ills, Vata (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (Phlegm).
- Mudras can bring about miraculous change and improvement in our body.
- Mudras generate Powers to provide all round development of mind & body which brings peace and happiness.
- Mudras look like miraculous remedies. They provide instant relief in many illnesses. Mudras can cure almost any ailment from simple earache to heart attack.
- Mudras help in moulding the Physical, Mental and even the Moral aspects of the individual.
- Some Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes while some are fast enough to act within a few seconds.
- Practice of some of the Mudra's regularly can cure Insomnia, Arthritis, improves memory. Mudras have extra ordinary powers, practice of mudras brings about a quick and fundamental reversions of the destructive changes in the human body. They also develop virtuousity, social amiability, non-violence, piety and courteous dispositions.
- All Godly and superhuman persons like Lord Mahavir, Gautam Buddha, Lord Shankaracharya and others used to remain in these Mudras Mudra helps in Kundalini Yoga to awaken the Cosmic Energy and to unite consciousness of inner Supreme Soul.
- Mudras are significant and simple yogic function by which one can develop internal and external dispositions.
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