Bhadrasana is one of the prominent asanas mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, although it has been recorded in several older texts. The posture tones the lumbar region and flexes various muscles in the lower back.
Bhadrasana - Detailed Description
- Starting in Vajasana (thunderbolt posture).
- Separate the knees as far as possible while keeping the toes in contact with the floor.
- Allow the buttocks and perineum to rest flat on the floor in between the feet. (if this is not possible place a blanket under the buttocks
- Without straining, try to separate the knees further.
- Place the palms onto the knees and lengthen the spine.
- Look to the tip of your nose (slightly cross eyed) and concentrate on keeping the eyes and mind still.
- Breath slowly and deeply, listening to the sound of your breath
- To exit, bring the knees together and come to any comfortable sitting posture.
- Primarily a meditation posture, helping to calm the mind. (hold for extended periods of time)
- Strengthens pelvic floor muscles.
- Helps to relieve piles.
- Can reduce menstrual discomfort.
- Strengthens the back muscles, improving alignment of the spine.
- Opens the hips and abductor muscles of the thighs.
- Increases flexibility and lubricates ankle and knee joints
- Good during pregnancy (believed to aid in childbirth if practices throughout pregnancy)
- Reduces stress and anxiety.
Tips and Help:
- People with severe knee conditions should not practice this pose. Pregnant women should not bend forward and should remain seated without applying force.