Udgeeth pranayama, also known as “Omkari Japa” (chanting of “Om”) is the 6th among recommended 7 breathing exercises that daily practice of Pranayama involves.
Procedure : Inhalation and exhalation should be long, slow, soft and subtle. Inhale slowly and when ready to exhale, chant Om slowly and steadily. With practice, lengthen each breath to one-minute, that is, to say inhalation and exhalation should total one-minute of time. Visualize the breath entering and moving inside the body.
Duration : 10 mins or more
Benefits : Good for insomnia and for deepening the quality of sleep and relieving bad dreams. Helps the mind to become one-pointed and facilitate the practice of conscious sleep (Yoga Nidra)
Udgeeth Pranayama - Detailed description
Udgeeta Pranayama is often referred to as, "Omkari japa," that is, chanting of Om. "Udgeeta" means singing in a loud pitch/note. Thus, Udgeet pranayama means chanting of Om in a loud pitch. While chanting, the sound of "O" should be 3 times longer than the sound of "makar" (mmm), which is often transcribed in Samskrita as "O3M."
Duration/repetitions Minimum 3 times. For the maximum limit, SRDM once said, "Keep chanting until you feel tired or reach the state of absorption in the sound of Om."
Technique: Inhalation and exhalation should be long, slow, soft and subtle. Inhale slowly and when ready to exhale, chant Om slowly and steadily. With practice, lengthen each breath to one-minute, that is, to say inhalation and exhalation should total one-minute of time. Visualize the breath entering and moving inside the body. Beginners may feel the breath just in their nose but with practice and proper concentration, they may feel the "touch" of the breath inside their whole self. While chanting, feel the joy and remain in the spirit of surrender (to the higher power). Feel that the sound of "Om" has filled the entire space from inside and outside. Focus on the "agnya" center (the command center") that is, the point between the two eyebrows.
Benefits: Good for insomnia and for deepening the quality of sleep and relieving bad dreams. Helps the mind to become one-pointed and facilitate the practice of conscious sleep (Yoga Nidra).